The building in which the properties are located has a four side plan ad is on three floors as well as a basement. The main prospect of the building, that looks onto via Oberdan, has an entrance with clay tiles and a rich ceiling with decorations and wood decorations with motives and leaves. The property is made up of a noble floor with nearby areas: on the ground floor there is a garage with access onto Via S. Niccolò; on the first floor there is an apartment made up of a bedroom, three rooms, a dining room, a living rooma, a study, two bathrooms and a kitchen; on the third floor there are service areas while in the basement there are canteens. The entire complex was declared of historical and artistic interest. With letter prot. 59694 dated 11/12/2013 the authorisation for alienation was requested according to article 56 of Legislative decree n. 42/2004 and following afterwards integrated by letter n. 75536 dated 20/11/2014 following the request of the Regional directorate for Heritage of the Region Emilia-Romagna and the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism (prot. 15223 dated 27/10/2014). The authorisation was issued with order n. 3461 dated 26/11/2014 and sent with registered letter n. 17947, dated 16/12/2014 with prescriptions. The property is classified by PSC in the municipal territory of the Structured urban territory in the historical area under area of antique formation. Detail of surface per floor: Main apartment Basement m². 74.59 Ground floor m². 15.50 First floor m². 471.43 Third floor m². 71.12 Garage Ground floor m². 36.31
L’intero compendio immobiliare è stato dichiarato di interesse storico artistico. Con nota prot. 59694 in data 11/12/2013 è stata richiesta l’autorizzazione all’alienazione ai sensi dell’art. 56 del D. Lgs. 42/2004 e s.m.i., successivamente integrata con nota prot. 75536 del 20/11/2014 a seguito di richiesta della Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici dell’Emilia-Romagna del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo (prot. 15223 del 27/10/2014). L’autorizzazione è stata rilasciata tramite provvedimento n. 3461 del 26/11/2014 inviato con nota prot. 17947 in data 16/12/2014 con prescrizioni. L’immobile è classificato dal PSC nel territorio comunale in Territorio Urbano Strutturato, in zona d’Ambito Storico, sottozona Nucleo di Antica Formazione.
Dettaglio superfici per piano:
appartamento padronale
piano interrato m². 74,59
piano terra m². 15,50
piano primo m². 471,43
piano terzo m². 71,12
piano terra m². 36,31
Year of construction:
XV century
Available parking: